Expand your vocabulary
with the Underline app
Translate, save a word, and memorise the vocabulary that you need on your daily basis.
Translate and save words in the extension on computer
Translate words and sentences that you don’t understand, while browsing the Internet.
Build an individual vocabulary base with ready-made usage examples based on your previous translations and content you read.
Learn new vocabulary using your personal words base, that you really need in your daily work.
Translate words and save them with our Chrome extension
Translate words that you don't know while working on the computer.
Build your own flashcards’ base, available on your mobile.
Learn the vocabulary you actually need in your daily work by using your personalized words base.
Translate and save words at any time using the handy translator included in the mobile app.
Monitor your progress and set new goals
Set learning goals and then monitor your weekly activity in your user profile on the mobile app.
I come to the conclusion that I love your tool. I love this how it's helpful during reading science articles
Underline is an application that has been missing on the market. Now I have one common tool that I use on my phone and in my browser. I really appreciate the synchronization of the plugin with the app and the modern and friendly design of the Underline tool.
Underline allowed me to finally remember words. Thanks to the plugin in the browser, saving them is completely simple and fast. I sincerely recommend anyone who wants to learn vocabulary in this interesting way. Applause for this idea!